"Citizens of Indonesia, we apologize for the fact that it affected everyone," the team wrote in a statement shared by Singapore-based dark web intelligence outfit Stealth Mole.

In the statement, Brain Cipher detailed that it was releasing the decryptor of its own accord, without prodding by law enforcement or other agencies. It did, however, ask for public gratitude for its magnanimous behavior – and even provided an account at which it could receive donations. Good luck with that.


According to The New York Post, citing a report by The Telegraph, n sword that is regarded as France's "Excalibur" has vanished from its stone. Per the publication, locals in the French town of Rocamadour believed the sword, Durandal, had been lodged in rock for around 1,300 years. A main attraction for the town, the sword could be found stuck in a sheer rock wall about 100 feet off the ground

Authorities in France are working to determine how the sword was taken from the 100 foot sheer rock face.


Johnson claimed that Trump violently raped her when she was 13 at a 1994 orgy hosted by Jeffrey Epstein — the billionaire who was convicted in 2008 of soliciting an underage girl for prostitution and has been accused of having sex with more than 30 underage girls.

Johnson said Trump had sexual contact with her at four of those parties, including tying her to a bed and violently raping her in a “savage sexual attack.” The lawsuit said Johnson “loudly pleaded” with Trump to stop, but that he responded by “violently striking Plaintiff in the face with his open hand and screaming that he would do whatever he wanted.”

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 169 points 2 months ago

Btw this is a parody account

It happens... (lemmy.world)
Armed to deter cops (lemmy.world)

The leader of conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation argued the Supreme Court’s ruling on presidential immunity will reinforce a “second American Revolution,” which he said would “remain bloodless if the left allows it to be.”


Layoffs and studio closures have been an unfortunately-common occurrence across the industry since last year, with layoffs in 2024 already matching 2023's total of over 10,000 developers being put out of work. Yet if there is one bright spot to find in this bleak reality, it is, ironically, in the same city as the departed Tango. Its closure, undeniably tragic, is an exception in a country seemingly insulated from the industry-wide devastation occurring beyond its borders.

It's a trend across the industry in the country. In my own conversations with Japanese developers, many have acknowledged the concerns for friends in the industry internationally while admitting a level of confidence and job security that simply no longer exists no matter the company beyond Japanese borders.

Under Japanese employment law, layoffs are incredibly difficult to implement – unless the company is under severe financial difficulty and at risk of insolvency in a manner layoffs could alleviate, after other cost-saving measures have been undertaken, layoffs for permanent employees are all-but impossible.

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 147 points 3 months ago

Not surprised. My wife passes for white. I don't.

When we went house hunting, we thought it would be a good idea if we toured separately.

The realtor showed me a nice place and said, "It's pretty popular for the urban demographic." Whatever the fuck that meant. Apparently the wife also toured the same place, where the agent said that this isn't an area to raise children." And wouldn't explain what she meant by that.

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 168 points 4 months ago

As a person who works in server hosting (not as devops or IT), I'm often privy to customer interactions. I feel like my company does a really good job at damage control - where if we fuck up, some rep gets on the phone and makes things right. We've eaten costs on behalf of our customers.

But sometimes, you just gotta tell a customer to go fuck themselves.

And those customers, those biggest complainers are often in online gambling, crypto, adult content, or racist shit.

We get DDos'd a lot from it. But I'm glad the company I work for doesn't bow down to garbage companies.

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 229 points 5 months ago

Reminder that if the media is cool with putting the victim's name all over, then you should be cool with the officer's name all over.

Innocent until proven guilty am I right?

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 188 points 7 months ago

I used to make jokes to juniors/interns like the above. Then I watched a junior start typing my joke in terminal, and I freaked out and stopped.

Sometimes I forget these jokes go over the heads of people.

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 153 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Why are we giving this attention? Tucker Carlson isn't a journalist, a reporter, or anybody worthy of time.

He's like a shitty YouTuber now.

[-] Potatos_are_not_friends@lemmy.world 163 points 7 months ago

Fellas, easy way to get on a girl's radar is to ask if she can peer review your drafts for the textbook you're writing and give her editor/writer credit. Apparently girls love that shit.

One time, I put my hand out to stop a kid from running into the street.

Most people were like "Woah that kid almost died." But one Karen looking woman had a "How dare you touch that child" look.

I'm not going to stop saving kids who run into the street. But it did make me question when to involve myself or not. And I can see a lot of people hesitating because some fuckface has something stupid to say.

This is what kids call goth now?

Goth used to be all Satan and death and sometimes kittens.

Is it all kittens now?

Hot take but PDFs became the primary form of document transfer because Microsoft made .doc, docx, docm, rtf, doc 2003-2020...

All those "It won't open" just forced everyone to say "Fuck it send me the PDF"

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