Saw this notification yesterday when I opened the App. I guess I’m deleting my Reddit account that day. It really is a shame—it was such a good app, and the developer seems like such a chill person.

[-] 13 points 1 year ago

I opened Apollo yesterday and got the notification it was going to be shutting down on the 30th. It was such a bummer—I really don’t plan on going back to Reddit now. Treat it like Quora, at best.

There is a huge different between “god doesn’t exist” and “proven there is no need for a god.”

Depending who you ask, there is plenty of evidence. And you don’t even need to ask the Ken Ham’s of the world—there’s literally dedicated fields of study in philosophy arguing this.

The whole “one bad apple spoils the bunch” comes from a series Descartes’ essays trying to figure out if God can be real.

Plus, everyday people have experiences that they interpret as religious events. Coincidence, whatever, that could apply—you can’t, with 100% certainty prove them wrong. You can only assume based off the information you have and your preconceived notions of the world.

Religion is complicated. People’s faith makes it even moreso.

It’d be rad if Christian could somehow migrate the Apollo app over. I know absolutely nothing about that kind of thing so, so idk how doable that is.

r/outside. That place is such a needed mental break.

Ah, this feels… nice. Good to be here!

I just created a shortcut from safari onto my homescreen. Works really well.


joined 1 year ago