A VPN would almost certainly work. They just block ips so that if their site runs afoul of the law, they can just say they have no official operations in that country.

You've fallen for one of the classic blunders


This has gotten on my nerves a ton as of recent. Trying to search your watch history on YouTube is absolutely fucking infuriating. You can type in like 90% of a video title verbatim, and YouTube will have no idea what you want, but show the same video when you type some random word from the title? I mean fucking seriously? I was looking for a specific video about the history of smash bros, and I shit you not, searching "super smash bros" turned up more than twice the amount of results as searching just "smash"? I mean fucking what? Surely every video that matches the first search would, by definition, also meet the second in any sane universe, no? It's even worse when you realize that YouTube already has a search capable of looking through the much larger dataset of all the videos when you just search on the site, and Google has an actual fucking search engine, but searching in your watch history is like trying to get directions from a drunken amnesiac? And to top it all off, I can't even find the video I want because YouTube ruined the actual fucking search by polluting it with literally and intentionally irrelevant garbage after like 4 results

Getting my modded Wii u to work properly

Samsung z fold 3. Overall, I really like having a sizable screen on the go that doesn't require me to carry it around in a separate bag. The big screen also makes split screen/multiple windows for apps actually pretty viable ~~and I definitely don't just use this to run 4 instances of pokemon go~~. The downsides are no custom roms for the phone, and basically every general complaint about Samsung people have made. Battery leaves room to be desired, but unless I'm really using the phone a lot, it gets through the day perfectly fine. A trivial bonus is that the 4:3 screen is perfect for wii/gamecube emulation on the go.

Like say telling to automakers they must include this design feature called seat belt and this another design feature called airbag

Exactly like that. It isn't the government's place to demand what features I want in my stuff.

Unfortunately they don't have them since it's not actually a gamecube by technicality


I haven't actually pirated stuff for gamecube in ages, and all the places I already trust either don't have them because technically not gamecube, or have since shut down. Wondering if anyone here knows where I can get clean dumps to process and use with nintendont

Msg haters be like "I want my food to taste worse"

The NPCs got a new firmware update

Looking through both threads, and given my experience on the bird website, I lean heavily towards it being an extremely vocal minority, almost certainly padded by off site people brigading, or using multiple accounts, because it's the exact same tired out playbook the bird site antis use

I remember an extremely prominent one was a (pirate) Anime streaming site, basically the only one that hosted 4k blu-ray rips.

Catbox is also an extremely popular site for rehosting porn and the like from pay walled only fans and sharing questionable material on forums.

Shouldn't you be on wafflit?

Theoretically, you can basically do this for any game (or similar software) that primarily runs on your computer, but connects up to a server for various purposes. If you know what information your game sends up, and what the server sends down, it's entirely possible to create an alternative server that sends down the right information, along with some method of redirecting the game to your new server.

The biggest examples would be things like wiimmfi or pokemon event distribution servers

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