[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 6 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Perhaps they're just airbrushed artwork on top of the armor. It seems like the sort of sardonic thing that character would do.

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 14 points 2 days ago

Matt Ward is such an awful writer that exposure to his prose is an actual psychic damage hazard.

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 12 points 2 days ago

I think it's something from an old Rogue Trader article? So it may be more a metacommentary from an old writer sort of thing, that Gothic would have been descended from Mandarin with a bunch of English vocabulary mixed in, albeit all unrecognizable after tens of thousands of years of sound changes.

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 29 points 2 days ago

Also the Emperor is from somewhere in what is now Turkey and canonically the most common language the humans speak ("Gothic") is descended from Mandarin and is just artistically portrayed as being Latin based because "High Gothic" is supposed to scan as archaic in the way that inserting incorrect Latin into English does.

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 63 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Canonically literally every Space Marine (except for the Blood Angels IIRC) should have dark skin when exposed to sunlight and then (except for the Salamanders) flash to an unnatural pallor when they step inside, because one of the mutations they get is photochromic skin to protect them from getting sunburns while still ensuring they get enough vitamin D. That sounds incredibly stupid and like I just made it up but that is the actual canon from the lore, along with Space Marines eating their enemies brains to gain their knowledge and having acid spit like the xenomorph.

Warhammer 40K is a very silly franchise and the art direction does it a disservice by not leaning into it more.

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 18 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

A lot of people here are missing the funniest thing about this: SAI is floundering, has lost most of its tech talent, and suffered hard to the double punch of SD3 sucking complete shit and Flux showing up like a month later and being everything people had expected SD3 to be but better. SAI has also been pivoting away from the open source release model that got them literally all of the attention they've gotten in the first place.

So it looks like James Cameron's role with this would be trying to use his reputation to grift more investor money to keep the company that now doesn't have the engineers responsible for all the popular Stable Diffusion models anymore afloat. I wonder if he knows he's hopping onto a failing grift or if they've successfully tricked him into thinking there's anything of value left in SAI?

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 12 points 3 days ago

The Elder Scrolls series, flaws and all, is generally better about applying magic to its world-building.

For the most part its worldbuilding is like the one thing The Elder Scrolls actually did really well (that and Morrowind's aesthetic/art direction), at least in terms of the lore. Where it fails is translating that intricate, weird, well-thought-out worldbuilding into gameplay and storytelling.

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 5 points 3 days ago

Everyone I've ever known who played The Sims 4 basically just played it because WW is a thing, yeah lmao.

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 17 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

It was weirdly complex and could basically be summed up as "imagine if all the little side mechanics Sims 4 got from DLCs were actually fleshed out into full fledged mechanics with at least some content to them, it actively simulated the entire neighborhood at once which was also bigger and had more stuff in it, and its difficulty was curved a little more towards actually having to try a little like in earlier games."

It also took forever to load and would actively break without a community patch to regularly fix and clean up invalid background simulation stuff because of compounding errors with said simulation, like background-simulated sims glitching into invalid positions and spamming pathfinding errors - the community patch ran a garbage collection script every in-game day to detect and fix those before they could get out of hand and it worked great. But apart from that it was really good and an iterative improvement over The Sims 2 which had been an iterative improvement over The Sims. It would have been amazing if The Sims 4 had just sort of cleaned it up and kept building on that complexity instead of rebuilding something simpler from the ground up and switching into a minimum-viable-product content churn forever because it's sitting in a niche where it has no real competition at all.

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 33 points 3 days ago

Not even then, really. Everything in it is just so completely and utterly shallow even compared to comparable things in The Sims 3. It has a huge variety of things that do basically nothing with a core gameplay loop that's even more of just a "passively win" idle game than the earlier games. I've pirated it a few times over the years to see what's been added and it's always just sort of disappointing and the new content is less interesting than it sounded like.

It's really disappointing that they just kind of stripped down 3 and then just treaded water ever since instead of building on any of the mechanics 3 introduced.

[-] KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net 9 points 4 days ago

What is that from? I feel like I've seen that page before but I don't recognize the characters.


Normally just washing basmati rice has been enough to make it cook well, but the generic brand I've been buying for years seems to have changed their supplier or something and now what should be the same exact rice doesn't cook right anymore and turns out disgusting. How do I compensate for this? Do I just wash it even more thoroughly? Do I wash it, let it soak in clean water for a while, and then wash it again?

I'm kind of at a loss for how to fix it because I've never encountered such starchy, shitty quality basmati rice before.


Like multiple times it has characters have a turn to the camera moment where they say some shit like "Kira is absolutely right about everything, but oh woe, oh calamity, for he is breaking the law and doing the violence that only the state is permitted to do, oh but what a tragedy for the legal system is too soft and permissive, and the police state too friendly and lenient towards the underclasses and so Kira is a necessary evil!" and the narrator keeps having bits about how Kira's policy of extrajudicially murdering everyone the state accuses of a crime is working and creating a gentler, safer world and it's just so fucking bad.

Light is a monstrous little fascist dipshit with the dumbest plan anyone has ever had, and his ideology is fundamentally deranged and abhorrent. Like how the fuck does "so he's changing the world, by just killing everyone accused of a crime after they've already been arrested and locked up!" even fit into anything but the most unhinged boomer brain as a solution to anything? His targets are almost exclusively people who are either innocent or who have already been neutralized and contained as a further threat, what does purging them accomplish? It's just turbo fash dipshit stuff.

Light is just a dumber rehash of Batman's League of Shadows foil that's used to show that Batman, who agrees 100% with the League of Shadows' entire ideology except for its inevitable logical conclusion, is actually Good and Pure and doesn't do bad violence stuff because that's the job of the police who get special good boy passes to do violence for the state.

Even the narrative itself doesn't offer any criticism other than showing Light to personally be a vile, abusive piece of shit behind the mask he puts on around other people, and it emphasizes him fighting back against the cops who are after him as being this moral event horizon moment more than all the literal mass murder because the TV man told him to shit he did. So far as the story has a moral it's this fundamentally reactionary liberal take about how the police state should be more repressive but it also shouldn't go too far, and that violence is the job of state-sanctioned actors and not the public.

It was pretty entertaining as a suspenseful horror thriller though, and the "cerebral back and forth" shit with Light and L was incredibly funny because it was all just Light being a self-defeating dipshit digging himself deeper and deeper by being a bloodthirsty egomaniac and L running in circles around himself trying the rhetorical equivalent of a Wil E Coyote gag as bait.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

What can I say except kind-vladimir-ilyich


That's right it's a woman with huge breasts and a low cut dress. I swear every time I see AI hobbyists all I feel is kind-vladimir-ilyich


Like Bloom Into You is cute, but the anime literally just up and ends halfway through the story with no conclusion or even climax to the story (yes, I went and read the manga afterwards and the complete story was good, particularly in how it reached a point where the characters all realized how silly the central driving internal conflicts of the first half were), and when I look at relevant MAL stacks it's like "these aren't bait - well ok this one is, and that was is, but uh..." or "alright so it's an incestuous loli story but..." and all I can think is kind-vladimir-ilyich so this is basically the only place I trust to ask.

Side question, is there anywhere I can actually find translated light novels that's better than nyaa.si? Because as consistent as that's been there's still occasionally things like the Bloom Into You spinoff that's either not there or not complete.


So Girls Band Cry basically did the literal exact same ending that Jellyfish tried to do, except it actually involved all the cast instead of just being one of them getting to have a small personal win while the rest sit around watching from the sidelines like blob-no-thoughts, and was also paced for that to actually work as the climax.

The first seven episodes of Jellyfish were better, hands down, but the last five were like an entirely different show (in fact, I'd say the tail end of Jellyfish was literally just the tail end of Girls Band Cry but worse because it didn't fit the characters or story trajectory at all and also wasn't executed well), with the one exception of episode 11 and how it dealt with Watase's gender. In contrast, the first half of Girls Band Cry wasn't great: the characters were abrasive and annoying and all the narrative drama was just Nina or Momoka getting mad and then storming off because of it, over and over, but it admittedly did manage to turn it around in the last five or so episodes and give it all some semblance of a coherent story arc.

Also tell me I'm not the only person who didn't realize until episode 10 that Tomo and Rupa were a couple? They never say anything about it that I caught, but it's pretty clear in retrospect that the two women who live together, spend every waking moment together, and who have a categorically different sort of relationship than they do with anyone else are together, at least after seeing these scenes from ep10 and ep11:

Unfortunately the Nina/Momoka pairing people were meming over never happened, though it's not particularly surprising since they just didn't have any particular chemistry past the first episode or so. In fact, looping back to the "Jellyfish turned into a worse version of GBC in the end" point, the heel-face turn Jellyfish did with Mahiru and Kano basically turned them into Nina and Momoka: friends, but held at arms length.

The last point to mention is the art: third act narrative problems aside, Jellyfish was a stylish and gorgeously animated show with vibrant static-but-lively backgrounds; Girls Band Cry had a fair bit of style to it and was probably the least bad looking CGI anime I've ever seen, but the CGI still just looks bad most of the time and the added motion from animated background action dilutes the shot and distracts from the actual focus of any given scene. I've come to strongly believe in the value of a static background as an economy of motion and focus thing, and a crowd of janky moving repeated-model extras wiggling in the background absolutely brings down the scene in a way that a static panel of out-of-focus background characters doesn't - so it should be no surprise that the best looking shots in GBC are the ones without a ton of background action or jarring movement that the CGI exacerbates.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net to c/games@hexbear.net

So I get that it's not like in Cities: Skylines where it's used for pathfinding by people traveling around and instead is like "people go stand at the sad and unfulfilled person station in the hopes that a carriage will arrive to take them somewhere they need to go," but what happens then? They have an "I would like to go do a job at the job factory" travel goal and an "I would like to go shopping" travel goal, but do they also have an "I would like to go home" goal or do they just teleport back home after doing a task?

Do I need to coordinate them returning home or just being delivered to places they want to work and shop?

Edit: for that matter, how does refueling work for trains and busses? Do they just autonomously seek out fuel stops when they need to, or do I need to micromanage that somehow? Scratch that, I just watched a bus go to a gas station unprompted, through I'm still unclear on whether trains will find a fueling station or if they need to be routed through one.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net to c/badposting@hexbear.net

Damn too bad Jellyfish Can't Swim in the Night only got 7 episodes, that seventh episode was so good it surely it would have gone great places from there, there's no way anyone could have fucked that up and made it fall flat. Kano and Mahiru literally rode off together into the sunset on a motorcycle after holding hands on the beach and each admitting that her driving motivation is wanting to do things for the other, sure would have liked to see the rest of that story.

Anyways, what was I talking about? Ah yes, and the punishment would be getting eaten by yurikumas or turned into one or whatever the fuck the court was doing, making characters into surreal allegories for repression and ostracization I guess. That's the one, I want anyone who does yuri bait to be turned into a surreal allegory for repression and ostracization.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by KobaCumTribute@hexbear.net to c/the_dunk_tank@hexbear.net

As a bonus it's set to like the most generically safe corporate music possible, too.

Fuck you just know he's doing it like that in the hopes of getting attention from businesses and getting hired to make shit like that for them, that's why it's such empty and pointless bootlicking.

Added horror is that for the foreseeable future this is gonna be the new face of corporate branding, until it starts to be seen as vulgar and archaic and cycles back to stark minimalism after another decade.


The animation and color palettes are gorgeous, the soundtrack is great, and the story is both cute and poignant, revolving around an amateur artist, disgraced former idol, said former idol's fangirl/stalker, and a failing vtuber starting a band but focusing mainly on their personal alienation and anxieties instead of the music/performance side of that. The four main characters are all pretty unambiguously queer too.

Cons: might be yuri bait, and the rare fanservice shots are weird and tonally out of place with the rest of the story. There's also five episodes left in the season so there's plenty of time left for it to milkshake duck and retroactively ruin the first half.


Like as of the latest book to be translated to english Akari and Menou's relationship has basically been (spoilers)Akari: *actively declares undying love and attraction towards Menou, constantly*

Menou: blob-no-thoughts

Akari: *actively conspires to die in the hopes of saving Menou's life, while burning her literal soul as fuel to keep a three month timeloop going for an unknown number of years in the hopes of finding an iteration where Menou lives* (corny as that sounds, the gradual reveal that that's what was happening was great)

Menou: blob-no-thoughts

Akari and Menou: *merge their literal souls together, becoming one singular being split between two bodies, in language that's explicitly romantic and euphemistic*

Menou: blob-no-thoughts "I made a friend."

Akari: *gets mind-wiped by the original Menou, Hakua, who is both the literal god of the world's main religion and so madly infatuated with Akari that she betrayed and murdered every other friend she ever had, waited a thousand years, and plotted to kill an entire world just in the hopes of being reunited with Akari*

Menou: blob-no-thoughts "I must kill god, alter the basic mechanical rules of this world, and save my friend. Then I will spend my life with her and hold her hand, as is normal for friends."

I want to scream. meow-knife-trans

Still a shame the anime never got picked up for another season.

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