[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

How is asking a question "defending it"?

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 1 points 4 days ago

Interesting point but isn't that more for practice? I mean more in the range of a very controlled and secure environment in which those phasers are not being able to hurt anybody. So the actual area doesn't need to be highly shielded or protected because the phasers wouldn't do any damage.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 5 points 4 days ago

Serious question here: isn't the Warp core not the best place to do this? They probably have the right equipment and sensors in the engineering section to do that test and I would also image that the warp core would be much safer because of its added protection systems than anywhere else on the ship, right? So if the weapon blows up, they shut that section off, wait for it to blow and dust off the consoles.

It also looks like they are firing away from the warp core and not at it.

As for data standing right behind it, I mean, he is an android who doesn't fear death or injury...

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 25 points 1 month ago

I totally agree. I had it a few times in which someone calls me, rips me out of my thoughs, we discuss something, hang up and I have nothing retained from what we talked about. Or, even better, someone says something on a call and I do that and then they never said anything about that.

Even worse, I can't listen to the conversation in 1-2 weeks because that is the time I could actually work on it and remember every detail that we talked about.

Now I am strictly going with emails. Sure they can call me and we talk about the feasibility or discuss possible solutions but any request for implementation has to happen either over an email of which I then create a ticket/issue or they create one directly themselves.

That way I can prove that what I implemented was based on what was requested and if that was wrong then the request wasn't clear enough.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 32 points 1 month ago

It's a bit of an infuriating story that I had not so long ago.

I have a Playstation account and I recently wanted to log into that account on the PlayStation website. The Password I had saved in my Bitwarden Password Manager was apparently wrong. Okay, then I will just reset it, that's fine.

I went through the Password reset process and generated a new Password, pasted it into the Password field and sent it and everything was fine. I tried to log in with that password and was told that the username or password was wrong. Okay, that is weird, since I reset the password just now the login name couldn't be wrong because, well, I just used that for the reset.

I tried that several times with the same result and gave up.

A few months later, I wanted to try again and had the same problem. I wanted to sort that out so I went through the same process with the Support bot yet again which then told me that I should come back in the "office hours". A company making 84 billion in revenue should be able to employ 24/7 customer service or at least tell me that when I request support and not let me go through the bot again.

So, I waited for the customer service personnel to be available and told them my problem. There I was told that "everything was looking fine on their end" and they quickly ended the support. I mean, yes, I was angry but wasn't abusive to that person because if you couldn't help me what should I do with my account, it also definitely wasn't their specific fault. But I would, at least, have expected more than "Well, works on our end, sucks for you, bye".

The next time I tried again and got a more competent Support dude and we ran through the same troubleshooting steps as before. Reset password (even though I just did that, again, through the bot), logged in again and failed again. This time they suggested that I could use a "normal" password that I don't generate. THAT worked for some reason.

All of my generated passwords in Bitwarden are up to 32 long with all possible characters, depending on what the website allows or expects. If a website, for example, doesn't allow 32 characters, I adjust and shorten it to the maximum length they allow. That worked without issues so far.

Well, turns out that the field that you use to reset your password has a character limit of 30 characters. But, this would be fine if the dialogue tells you that your password is too long, but it doesn't. It just cuts off at 30 characters and happily saves that.

However, the Password field that you use to log in doesn't have that restriction.

This means that you reset your password with a 32-character long generated password, which is saved in your vault, PlayStation saves a 30-long password and then you use the 32-long password to log in, which fails because it isn't the same.

And this isn't even mentioned in the password guidelines. It only said "min 8 characters" but not the maximum.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 24 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

There is also an interesting video by tasting history about this: https://youtu.be/-Y_TWPbmiRE

IIRC these even used the guide in a world war because of how good the maps in it were.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 14 points 2 months ago

Probably depends on the background as well. They could have hardware running (multiplayer server) that gets so little activity that there is no benefit and only loses them money.

It also doesn't look like the game has steam integration.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 26 points 4 months ago

Well, I can only speak from my own experience.

When the PS5 launched I wanted to upgrade but you literally couldn't get it because it wasn't in stock anywhere. You could only find it on eBay of some private seller that started at almost double the price, no, thank you. Then Sony introduced this "Register and on the next event you get a slot to buy one from the official Website" which was great. I got invited the first time and literally couldn't buy it because the website was broken. Whenever I wanted to select my payment method the checkout got blank and there was nothing you could do. Even worse was that you couldn't hard refresh the shop because this would have killed the session that the website needed to allow you to buy it. So, even switching browsers with the same "invitation link" didn't work. I reported this to the support, but they didn't really care. half a year later, I got my second invitation link and the same happened then as well. I reported it again to the support, but they still didn't know what to do with that information or wanted to troubleshoot this.

And now, there isn't really a need for it anyway. The Games that I would have wanted to buy on the PS5 released on the PC.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 15 points 6 months ago

Could also be "Continous Integration" (from CI/CD - Continous integration/Continous deployment/delivery)

judging by the "Why build a new CI?" section their old "CI" was built on Azure DevOps so I would go with Continous Integration here.

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 26 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

Would have been nice to say what "new primary metadata source" that is because you can't really distinguish where everything is coming from anyway and just have to guess or ask on Reddit/lemmy. ~~Is that now a completely new metadata source, do they now prefer TheMovieDB or maybe IMDB?~~

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 14 points 11 months ago

Hatte ich jetzt am Wochenende ein ähnliches Erlebnis.

Ich war auf einer Geburtstagsfeier und zu mir nach Hause ist nicht schwer zu erreichen aber mit mehrmals umsteigen verbunden (dafür hält der Bus quasi direkt vor der Haustür). Ich schaue also auf meine App um zu sehen wann ich am Bahnhof sein muss und sehe da eine Verbindung: 1.5 Stunden Fahrtzeit, 2x umsteigen. Super. Die einzelnen Züge/Busse waren jeweils mit "Live" bezeichnet. Also sagt mir das "die kommen".

Ich stehe dann am Bahnhof und es kommt die Durchsage das die Bahn die ich nehmen wollte "ausfällt, wegen Verspätung aus vorheriger fahrt". Klasse.

App meinte aber immer noch, dass diese Bahn "Live" ist also kommt.

Ich dann geschaut als alternativ Verbindungen und dann konnte ich nur 20 Minuten später eine Bahn bis zum nächsten Hbf (Bonn) nehmen, von dort dann aus umsteigen bis zum nächsten Hbf (Köln) und von dort dann aus weiter bis nach hause.

Von einer geplanten 1.5 Stunden "Reise" wurden es dann einfach mal wieder 2 Stunden. Gut, nur 30 Minuten später ist jetzt nichts welt bewegendes aber bei einer Strecke von Bonn nach Köln ist das schon echt nervig.

Aber viel schlimmer finde ich es, dass wir es schaffen Geräte zu entwickeln die wir auf den Meter gut finden können (Apple Airtags) und es gleichzeitig es nicht schaffen dass die verkackten Bahn Apps absolut keine aktuelle und verlässliche Aussage treffen können ob die Bahn jetzt kommt oder nicht.

Aber was erwarte ich denn im Digitalisierung Neuland Deutschland...

[-] Fribbtastic@lemmy.world 25 points 1 year ago

A year or so ago I actually tried to get into Jellyfin and it wasn't really that pleasant experience.

A bit of background: I am mainly a Java and JavaScript developer and have used Plex for over a decade now. I even developed a Plugin for Plex with Python. Naturally, Jellyfin came across my radar so I checked it out but they didn't have a Metadata Provider for the Metadata Source that I needed for some of my Libraries. There were alternatives but this would require to completely change my libraries which I wasn't interested in.

So, I set out to just do it myself. I did know some C# but was by far not as up-to-date as you could be but I didn't really care because I wanted to see how that project went and if I could get into it I could learn more about C# while doing it.

However, while I could get the Plugin compiled and loaded into a Jellyfin instance and even get some metadata downloaded, I quickly hit brick walls. From what I could tell, there weren't even method comments for, you know, methods you need to implement so that you can write a metadata provider.

Not being able to resolve this through trial and error or looking at other currently active Providers (who seem to all do things differently, so no consistency) I asked on the Jellyfin Subreddit for help and got told to use the Matrix Chat instead. This was already annoying because that isn't how you amass knowledge that someone can fall back to and find when they have questions because Matrix is a walled garden. Regardless I asked there as well and didn't get any help or the responses didn't really help me.

So, I shelved the project.

What I want to say here is that FOSS Projects like Jellyfin should prioritize their documentation. The easier it is for people to understand how things work and "get into" the project the more people would be willing to actively contribute. I know that what I described above could just be my inexperience or lack of understanding and knowledge of C# and everything around it but I would imagine that many developers are in the same situation as me and would like to contribute but can't get over those hurdles. This is even worse for new developers who might want to stretch their legs in the Open Source community but are still learning.

Reading this with "we need developers" and "you can contribute to our documentation" looks a bit contradictory to me because shouldn't the "experienced" contributor not create the documentation?

submitted 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) by Fribbtastic@lemmy.world to c/3dprinting@lemmy.world

I have an Ender 5 Plus with some upgrades ("Old" MicroSwiss Direct Drive, Exoslide XY, custom shroud) and I occasionally have the issue in which the Cables for the Print head as well as the Filament Feeding Tube interfere or get caught on something on the printer.

The most recent example was when I printed (or wanted to print) something and in the middle of the night I woke up and checked up on it and it had a layer shift. Turns out that the filament feeding tube got caught in the X belt of the exoslide and prevented it from moving properly.

I already printed some brackets for the cables on the backside to the print head but the tube is still fairly unstable and flopping over after some time. The same with the filament feeding tube, since they are delivered in a spiral they are fairly fixed in that position and while I could and now have oriented it into a position that it wouldn't get caught, I need a more permanent solution.

What I am looking for is something to keep the cables upright, maybe even some "boom arm" that has some clips on it that pull/hold the cables up but also not as tight so that it interferes with anything...

Here is an image of my Printer. which pretty much shows the issue.

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