[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

You don't necessarily need to keep the time to do it. You could just give yourself rest periods and push periods, but it'd probably be hard to keep the motivation without seeing number go up lol, at least to me. If all you get is total distance at the end, then I'd definitely just do the RPM thing. Just set a goal RPM and a rest RPM and bounce between the two as you are able to push total distance

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

When I use mine, I don't do training like that. I end up playing Xbox or watching TV or 2-3 hours while I just pedal.

However, when I was doing that, the bike had preset "routes" you could do where the resistance changed on it's own, and I'd just try to keep the same pace up for the 30min-1hr I was doing. It could also do it across distances. When I wasn't doing the preset courses, I was just setting the resistance to what felt decent, and then keeping up my RPM (usually ~100). If I was really feeling myself, I'd up the resistance a bit. If it was a bad day, I'd drop it down. The total distance at the end would change based on the resistance I used, so I could at least always tell what days were "better" and which weren't. The motivation was just wanting to see if I could beat my previous distance.

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 21 points 1 month ago

That's.....actually a cool AF idea/inplementation of Fediverse shit. A practical use as well, as they'd control who was on the instance and would be a sorta pseudo-verification process for any accounts on it's own.

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 27 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

I'm a Boost truther. I loved Boost for Reddit, and the dev is usually super responsive in the subreddit when it was a thing. I also used many Reddit apps; BaconReader, Relay, and Apollo on iPhone back when I had one. Boost was easy favorite. I'm not entirely sure how it plays with every lemmy instance though, as I'm just on .world

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 14 points 1 month ago

For as long as Kurzgesagt has been around, they've always been a favorite of mine. The art style, well-researched topics and cited articles, and corrections when needed have been a pretty nice change of pace given standard YouTube fare nowadays.

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 12 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

The further out my perspective is, the harder for me it is to see this as a "long-term" game, or GAAS. The game play loop is very shallow, as it's a repetitive grind to unlock just weapons, abilities, or "unseen" buffs with timers or health or ammo. The meat of the game is the narratives within missions which the community can create. Nerfing effective weapons makes it harder to create these narratives. We're supposed to be bumbling, idiot, expendable soldiers that prevail against the odds, but the odds continue getting harder for us arbitrarily based on %s the devs see in usage and kill counters. If a weapon overperforms, give us more enemies, don't decrease its effectiveness. The whole point of the game is to kill en masse. Give us more masse, then tune the underperforming weapons and call-ins as needed.

The community had wild storylines going and carried so much of the launch hype based solely on diving with your friends, blowing each other up, and doing cool shit. If you take away what allows us to do cool shit, then there isn't much else left to play with.

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 16 points 4 months ago

People have cheated in the samples and req slips and such and ruined progression for others. It's not the same as competition cheating, but the "point" of the game is the grind, and some lost out on it. I think AH rolled back most of the effected accounts though, but it's a little deeper than just no PvP = cheats sorta fine

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 11 points 4 months ago

This is my thought as well. The whole point of this system is that if you feel like you have better choices and ability, you are well within your rights to spin up your own instance and manage it, and make your own choices. Just follow the standards, and you should be able to integrate with existing platforms. They are free to defederate, but that's their call to do so. It's always been a tradeoff, and one of the big things with Reddit is that, even to a point now, it's Reddit or nothing. With federated sites, leaving a platform isn't starting completely over like it is leaving Reddit.

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 14 points 5 months ago

Additionally, if you eventually want to move, you'll usually come out ahead a little bit. I was in a popular market, but I think we bought at 220k and sold at 320k. After all was said and done, I think we had a nice 60k profit, and we did not take the highest offer, we took one from a buyer that we knew was a family that would move in. Not a bad consolation prize for a break up, and I think we were only in it for...3 years?

Selling is stressful, but not nearly as much as buying.

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 11 points 5 months ago

There are $105.6 billion in reasons. Public knowledge of safety measures and quality control directly effects stock price. That's billions of dollars tied up in knowledge not becoming public. Who benefits? Shareholders. Not knowing who did it doesn't mean it wasn't murder. Plenty of murders happen without knowing the culprit or even specific motive. The guy outright said "if I die, I was killed". And then he kills himself for the memes? What's his motive for suicide, especially given his quotes regarding it?

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 19 points 5 months ago

Crazy that was what disqualified a candidate in the 2000s and here we are now.

[-] CMLVI@lemmy.world 22 points 5 months ago

Unsurprising. Bans gender-affirming care but he wears heels to help him feel more masculine. Only thing he hasn't done is wear a cowboy hat (that's I've seen).

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