[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Do people still play The Sims 4?

Yes, it's widely streamed on Twitch, most of them are just chicks doing house builds. It's pretty much a PC game version of HGTV to build homes with absurd amounts of customization. Most of them don't even play the game, they just give themselves tons of money and build a "dream home" like some Ikea home builder simulator. Which is fair, btw, I just want to say that... Completely ok if they like that, not to bash them. But it's not really playing the full extent of the game, building a family and a career and life simulating.

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

To be fair, that’s always been a reasonable description of games like Sims

I disagree with you here. You're making it out to be that this is the extent of it, and that's not true. Sims 3 had a HUGE amount of content aside from Building. There were quests/tasks, lineages for families, hidden objectives, you could wander around your entire city/neighborhood. None of these are possible in Sims 4. Every "neighborhood" has like 5 housing plots. Some have more than that, one of the Vampire ones has literally 4 homes, you can't scroll over or have your sim walk next door and make a new friend nope. If you/others haven't played Sims 3, seriously... Go try it, try to 100% it by experiencing all it offers, especially the Future DLC. It's insane, really. Every S4 DLC by comparison is hollowed out and has like 5 things to do total. Most of the traveling ones, the university ones. They slashed the content in Sims 4 by 75% and kept the price for the DLC the EXACT same. It's criminal.

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago

It's honestly really gross how the U.S. film industry works. There's a widely held belief that you basically have to have a white lead character in most films for it to be successful. Look at marvel, just as an example. Every single main character was a white man or woman. Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk, etc. All white people. Black Panther was the exception, not that he was even really part of the avengers officially. He wasn't really in their crew at their headquarters. But even the person who played vision, which was heavily dawdled in makeup... White person. That role could have been anyone! The dude looks like an alien, why did it have to be a white guy? Now look at Star Wars, another extremely popular franchise. Every single lead character is white without fail. Luke Skywalker, Anakin, the emperor, Leia, Han Solo, Kylo Ren, you name it, they are white. Mace Windu was the exception, and they just killed him off needlessly Like he was some inconsequential character even though he was literally the most important person in the entire Jedi order. Then Star Wars The Old Republic launched a video game and guess who is the leader of the Republic now? White woman.

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 0 points 4 days ago

Mmhmm, Paralives looks like it’s going to take the world by storm. I’ve been following their development and they’re doing really good things.

Don't get your hopes up. It never lasts. These small indie studios create something truly insane that's so fun and incredible, and then big gaming studios like EA come in and ruin everything. A lot of people seem to forget that Maxis, developer of Sims and SimCity, used to be completely independent. EA bought them out and ruined the entire thing, now they basically don't exist anymore. Who is to say that the developers of Paralives isn't going to do the same thing? Guarantee they get a stupendous amount of money offered to them and they sell out, and they would be stupid not to. Who wouldn't sell their franchise for tens of millions and never have to work a day in their life ever again?

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 2 points 4 days ago

Micro center does that? Because I asked them about that and they said they will only do it for certain items. That's really strange honestly. I would also feel a little bit bad about it, because Amazon is clearly trying a loss leader strategy to mark down the product prices to ridiculous levels, I'm sure that would not help local small businesses if I can't afford it, so I wouldn't want to exploit that

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 7 points 4 days ago

Canon printers specifically are designed to take Canon specific photo paper. Even the drivers on your Windows PC are programmed to understand what those photo papers are, and you have to match up to them. If you use some generic paper, the prints will never come out right.

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by Buttflapper@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

After being incredibly disappointed by the release of Sims 4, I was someone holding out hope for Sims 5 that they would have realized, “Hey, people really didn't want us to do anything multiplayer in Sims 4. Maybe that means we should go back and make an actual good Sims game?” But instead, we get this awful news that Sims will be just like Fortnite, heavily monetized with its own store, basically following the model of Fallout games with creation club, in a sense. Completely the opposite of what players asked for, and crushing all of our hopes and dreams of playing a new Sims game that's just like Sims 3....

To me, this really kills the entire franchise for me. I don't think there's any hope for it, I think this is a death blow, basically an execution of the franchise and turning it into the most low value (to the consumer, mind you) dribble that they could have possibly came up with. There is nothing they could have announced that is worse than a multiplayer version of Sims with microtransactions, that's basically just Sims mobile that you can play on your PC! Sims 4 is already completely unplayable for me, because there's no content, it's just stupid packs and kids and stuff and little micro bundles. There's nothing fun about the game, and you see people streaming it, it's just building. That's all they are ever doing. Just building crap.

It's even worse that there's no competitor because it's so incredibly challenging to make a game like The Sims. Horrifically challenging, life by me was completely gutted and canceled, and that was one of the major games that people were looking forward to. There is still paralives, But they are so early access and have no release date at all. It could be 10 years from now that they finish their game or longer.

TL;DR: Sims 4 ruined by surprise multiplayer mechanics that were removed. Sims 5 canceled in place of multiplayer with microtransaction store like Fallout creation club. Barely any competitors, life by me canceled. Franchise is dead in the water


I wanted to get printer photo paper for my printer, a Canon. I went to Walmart, They had nothing. Went to Target, they had one pack of photo paper and it was crazy expensive, so I went to micro center. That one was just as expensive. So finally I went back to Amazon, which I was trying to avoid, and saw the price 25 to 40% lower than anywhere I had been. Literally everything that I was looking for, I could find within seconds. Not even Best buy has even close to the amount of inventory or variety, even when you're shopping online....

Therefore, I think Amazon has a literal monopoly in the tech industry right now, you're literally forced to buy from them, because unless you have the money and financial fortitude to protest with your wallet, you're going to be buying from them. There's no other choice. They have so aggressively and dominantly taken over the supply chain market that no other tech company can currently compete with them in any aspect at all. You will be paying 40 to 50% more on everything by cutting out Amazon, and no one has the money for that anymore unless you're upper middle class or above

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 5 points 5 days ago

I think you misunderstand. I have no issue with the platform, if the platform is a complete end-to-end replacement that consumers can use. But that's not the case. They want you to use the platform, and they're going to send you pounds of paper in the mail. I don't want both. It should be either or! If I sign up for my chart, put everything in there. Send me emails. Why are you going to make me sign up for my chart, and now you're going to send me a statement every single week or month? Wtf? I need both?


Clinical information systems and healthcare patient portals are proving to be a significant waste of money. Millions of dollars are invested into developing and maintaining these platforms, often by third-party vendors, to provide patients with online access to their medical records. While the idea behind these portals is great in theory, the execution falls flat when healthcare providers continue to send massive amounts of paper copies through the mail, despite the digital system. This redundancy is both financially wasteful and environmentally harmful, especially when patients like me would prefer a paperless option.

Even more frustrating is that at my current health insurance company, I can't even opt out of receiving paper copies. Despite several attempts to request this, I'm told there's no way to stop the influx of mail. Now, I'm left with no choice but to purchase a $70 paper shredder just to deal with the overwhelming amount of unnecessary paperwork I receive. It feels like an outdated system where healthcare organizations are not fully committed to leveraging the digital tools they've invested in.

To make matters worse, the US Postal Service bears the burden of delivering all these unnecessary documents. This means taxpayers and other users of the postal system are indirectly subsidizing this inefficiency. It’s absurd that after all the time and money spent on developing patient portals, they’re not serving their purpose if the same information is just going to be mailed out anyway. It’s a huge missed opportunity for cost savings and sustainability.

For anyone curious about which platforms I'm talking about, my chart, Healow. These are the two that I have used. I'm sure there are many others, but Blue Cross is also part of the problem, they have their own custom proprietary software that you can log in and see your bill and all that stuff but they will still send you the crap in the mail. And cannot get them to stop


Hard to believe it's been 24 years since Y2K (2000) And it feels like we've come such a long way, but this decade started off very poorly with one of the worst pandemics the modern world has ever seen, and technology in general is looking very bleak in several ways

I'm a PC gamer, and it looks like things are stagnating massively in our space. So many gaming companies are incapable of putting out a successful AAA title because people are either too poor, don't want to play a live service AAA disaster like every single one that has been released lately, Call of Duty, battlefield, anything electronic arts or Ubisoft puts out is almost entirely a failure or undersales. So many gaming studios have been shuttered and are being shuttered, Microsoft is basically one member of an oligopoly with Sony and a couple other companies.

Hardware is stagnating. Nvidia is putting on the brakes for developing their next line of GPUs, we're not going to see huge gains in performance anymore because AMD isn't caught up yet and they have no reason to innovate. So they are just going to sell their next line of cards for $1,500 a pop for the top ones, with 10% increase in performance rather than 50 or 60% like we really need. We still don't have the capability to play games in full native 4K 144 Hertz. That's at least a decade away

Virtual reality is on the verge of collapse because meta is basically the only real player in that space, they have a monopoly with them and valve index, pico from China is on the verge of developing something incredible as well, and Apple just revealed a mixed reality headset but the price is so extraordinary that barely anyone has it so use isn't very widespread. We're again a decade away from seeing anything really substantial in terms of performance

Artificial intelligence is really, really fucking things up in general and the discussions about AI look almost as bad as the news about the latest election in the USA. It's so clowny and ridiculous and over-the-top hearing any news about AI. The latest news is that open AI is going to go from a non-profit to a for-profit company after they promised they were operating for the good of humanity and broke countless laws stealing copyrighted information, supposedly for the public good, but now they're just going to snap their fingers and morph into a for-profit company. So they can just basically steal anything they want that's copyrighted, but claim it's for the public good, and then randomly swap to a for-profit model. Doesn't make any sense and just looks like they're going to be a vessel for widespread economic poverty...

It just seems like there's a lot of bubbles that are about to burst all at the same time, like I don't see how things are going to possibly get better for a while now?


As someone who grew up playing games like World of Warcraft and other AAA titles, I’ve seen how the gaming industry has evolved over the years—and not always for the better. One of the most disturbing trends is the rise of gacha games, which are, at their core, thinly veiled gambling systems targeting younger players. And I think it’s time we have a serious conversation about why this form of gaming needs to be heavily restricted, if not outright regulated.

Gacha systems prey on players by offering a sense of excitement and reward, but at the cost of their mental health and well-being. These games are often marketed as "free to play," making them seem harmless, but in reality, they trap players in cycles of spending and gambling. You don’t just buy a game and enjoy its content—you gamble for the chance to get characters, equipment, and other in-game items. It’s all based on luck, with very low odds of getting what you want, which leads players to keep spending in hopes of hitting that jackpot.

This setup is psychologically damaging, especially for younger players who are still developing their sense of self-control. Gacha games condition them to associate spending money with emotional highs, which is the exact same mechanism that fuels gambling addiction. You might think it's just harmless fun, but it’s incredibly easy to fall into a pattern where you're constantly chasing that next dopamine hit, just like a gambler sitting at a slot machine. Over time, this not only leads to financial strain but also deeply ingrained mental health issues, such as anxiety, depression, and a lack of self-control when it comes to spending money.

Countries like Belgium and the Netherlands have already banned loot boxes and gacha systems, recognizing the dangers they pose, especially to younger players. The fact that these systems are still largely unregulated in many other regions, including the U.S., shows just how out of control things have gotten. The gaming industry has shifted from offering well-rounded experiences to creating systems designed to exploit players’ psychological vulnerabilities.

We need to follow Europe’s lead in placing heavy restrictions on gacha and loot boxes. It’s one thing to pay for a game and know what you're getting; it's another to be lured into a never-ending cycle of gambling for content that should be available as part of the game. Gaming should be about fun, skill, and exploration, not exploiting people’s mental health for profit.

It's time for developers and legislators to take responsibility and start protecting the players, especially the younger ones, from these predatory practices.

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 26 points 2 weeks ago

Black mirror is getting closer everyday

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Buttflapper@lemmy.world to c/games@lemmy.world

Honkai Star Rail, a free-to-play gacha game (basically, gambling game of chance) in which players spend anywhere from $5 to $10,000 to get characters, gear, equipment... is now releasing a disc version of their game on PlayStation 5. First issue with this is that many people don't have a disk drive in their PlayStation, and the new PS5 pro won't either. The game is also downloaded to the PlayStation store digitally anyway, so I'm not even sure what the heck the disk supposed to be for. Second, it doesn't appear to be a steelbook, just a regular old plastic PS5 game case from what I have read from other sources. This is incredibly wasteful and frustrating because these always end up in a landfill anyway. Third and finally, it appears that the things that you get in game are silly little cosmetics. Spending money on this doesn't actually get you any characters. It's not like Apex Legends where you buy the starter bundle and you get several characters to start off with, no. You get nothing, absolutely nothing to help you in game. But if you take that $40 and go in game and spend it on rolling for overpowered characters, you could definitely get one of the best characters in the game right now.

Just seems very strange to me that a free to play pay to win game is going to come out with a physical copy that doesn't provide any actual benefit to players in their gameplay.

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 95 points 2 weeks ago

I'm in Georgia, they honestly could not care less. I've contacted them in the past about issues and they really did not care


I've played maybe 10 hours total of Overwatch 2 and it is incredibly boring (to me). But it seems to get lots of updates often, heavy monetization which sucks. The steam reviews are scalding. It really makes me wonder.... is it that bad? Like really? It's hard to gauge if the game is thriving or on deaath's door...

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) by Buttflapper@lemmy.world to c/mildlyinfuriating@lemmy.world

I don't see how this is legal, but people on Tik Tok peddling miracle "medicine" are becoming more common every day. No FDA approval, no research. Just their marketing hype and false promises. This one, lady is showing some sort of probiotic and claiming it can help people suffering from severe acid reflux and gastrointestinal reflux disease or GERD, replacing medicine that has been tested for decades.


With the release of "The Final Shape," the main storyline has concluded, and it seems like the developers are now just churning out random content and seasonal passes without a clear direction for the game's future. I'm genuinely curious about what motivates players to stick around. Are there aspects of the game that still offer value or enjoyment, or are players simply holding on in hopes of something more substantial? What keeps them engaged with Destiny 2 despite its apparent lack of a clear path forward?

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 32 points 2 weeks ago

This is a big reason why inceldom has risen imo

I haven't seen it nearly this bad until this year. This is the worst year I've ever seen for it, and Hoyo games are by far the worst

hey if impregnation is your kink, you do you

It seems like it's worse than that. I've seen people making extremely inappropriate comments about young characters. For example in Zenless Zone Zero subreddit, there are people that post pictures of the young characters that look like children, Piper and a few others that I don't recall off the top of my head. But they are half naked and fan art of them in extremely suggestive positions. Borderline pedophilia but it's a made up fictional character so they claim it doesn't count and it's perfectly fine. Such a strange view on reality

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 63 points 3 weeks ago

I'd estimate as much as 50% of the entire community left on Reddit are bots. I've seen people being downvoted systemically, just for saying completely ordinary things that aren't even controversial.

[-] Buttflapper@lemmy.world 82 points 3 weeks ago

Like, if you don't know it's closed

They literally stated that they knew it was closed

It takes three seconds to shake their head or say we're closed something

The signage on the door explains the hours of operation, and the door is locked. Why should that have to be explained?

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