[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 6 points 4 days ago


[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 26 points 3 weeks ago

Mushishi. Very serious, well-told stories told in single episodes. Occasionally a younger character will come along, but it's mostly adults, and the cast outside of the MC rotates episode to episode.

[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 35 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

The biggest red flag here is that someone is trying to derive meaning from Eva, an anime whose religious/philosophical imagery and themes were used "just because they looked and sounded cool" (not a direct quote.) I mean I like it too, but it's gibberish.

I'll say this about OSS and the community around it: It's painfully obvious at times that while the individuals working on these projects (often thanklessly) are brilliant people, they often lack the communication and project leadership skills necessary to make a project thrive. The last few posts I've seen on this particular issue have been extremely vague and for whatever reason just won't come out and say what they mean. They're verbose, go off on tangents, and beat around the bush. We must first have explained to us the plots of TV shows, movies, and other ancillary things in order to understand what likely boils down to "people with differing viewpoints cannot find common ground." I see the linked blog post as nothing more than someone trying to work out relatively complex feelings about the time/effort they contributed to a project they no longer have faith in more than an "expose-eh." Given that people in the comments of previous threads have boiled the issue with NixOS down to a sentence or two, I think this is an accurate view.

See: Soft skills.

[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 20 points 6 months ago

I was just listening to a podcast recently where one of the (tech illiterate) hosts somehow stumbled upon ffmpeg and went direct to ChatGPT to get instructions on how to use it. They said after a bunch of time plugging different commands into the terminal they realized ChatGPT's output was just close enough to look right but was ultimately "complete gibberish" compared to the actual commands they found via some other resource.

I've already stumbled upon a few different help posts on various Linux-related forums where people have messed something up after following ChatGPT. I don't doubt that it can sometimes come up with useful output, but it's a real roll of the dice.

[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 20 points 7 months ago

His meltdown after he launched Rust on Linux and then found out his mouse wasn't supported by Ubuntu is one of the all-time greatest tweet threads. The fact that it was a mouse that ultimately sent him into the anti-Linux spiral that resulted in people being able to refund the game regardless of hours played is extremely funny to me.

If you give this guy money then I don't know what to tell you. He detests Linux users and has said as much while still taking money from them.

[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 33 points 8 months ago

I started doing this after my phone number got into some kind of crazy scam call database. At the height of it I was getting somewhere in the neighborhood of 30 calls a day, basically rendering the phone unusable.

So I started actually picking up and running these jokesters through the ringer. I'm talking 15+ minutes of pointless conversation, false info, tons of backtracking, and general bullshit. I refined my craft over a few months and would time how quickly I could make them scream at me for fucking with them. At the end of it my phone got taken off at least one of the bigger lists because the calls went to down only 10 or so a day. Now it's one or two a day at the most, probably from me not answering like I used to.

Favorite call was one guy who figured out I was messing with him and it turned into this general question and answer thing about life in the US. Dude wanted to know how easy it was to pick up chicks and whether or not I'd dated a lot/was married. Great guy, really into Counter-Strike.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Edit: See update at end of post for more details (no solutions, but things to consider.)

As of Linux 6.7 I'm getting hard freezes that require a power cut to reset (sysrq doesn't work.) Happens at both idle and load anywhere from 5 minutes in to an hour. Running journalctl --follow and dmesg -w (both as root) reveal nothing at the time of the crash. Kernel version 6.6 continues to be 100% stable.


  • Distro/Kernel: Arch Linux 6.7.arch3-1
  • CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600X
  • GPU: AMD RX580 8GB via AMDGPU
  • RAM: Some configuration of 16GB at 2667 MT/s.
  • WM: SwayWM

I'm unsure how to go about properly reporting a bug if no errors are being generated.

Any advice?

I'm not alone on this apparently (warning, it's reddit.)

Update (01-27-2024)

I've spent the last 5 days or so bisecting the kernel from stable 6.6 to 6.7 while also touching on linux-next and 6.8rc1. I've experienced hangs on each kernel after 6.6 but under different conditions. In some cases sys-rq can rescue the system, but other times it's a hard (still errorless) crash. I believe all of these crashes can be blamed on AMDGPU given all other user reports (see: reddit thread above) mention having an AMD card.

List of similar issues

Note: Some of these are from earlier Kernel versions, but they're included since they present the same way.

Patched/Unpatched 6.8rc1 attempts

This bug report is the closest I can find on the issue. which links off to this report, which includes a patch. The patch in question is for 6.8rc1 and allows the system to stay up longer, but frequently "trips," meaning the system begins to stumble and halt for tenths of a second with accelerated video playback in my browser (qutebrowser) has to contend with load elsewhere on the system (gaming, etc.) Hangs under this patch and kernel can be rescued. However, with video acceleration disabled in the browser (and the browser not even running,) hard crashes can still occur. So either there's two new issues being brought into the fold (one to do with video accel. and the original issue mentioned in this post), or the original issue is just manifesting in different ways.

Bisecting 6.6 to 6.7

This process was taking forever because there's no reproducible situation in which the system halts. My method was to build the kernel (8 minutes) then reboot and let the system idle on a Sway session while I'm off doing something else (2 to 4 hours.) If I come back to a hard lock, then I mark the version as failed and repeat. This method let me try 2 versions of the kernel a day, not nearly enough to have this fixed quickly or easily. Due to the amount of time it takes to detect a crash, it's also possible to mark a bad commit as good (meaning it didn't crash in 2 hours, but would have in 4 or 5, etc.) I won't be continuing this.

The state of AMDGPU in general

It seems I'm lucky to have not had these issues before. A little bit of time reading issues like this show that people have been encountering problems for a while now (pre-kernel 6.7.) There are issues that have been open for years that still appear to be problems on modern systems and hardware. I'm not passing blame to anyone here, just stating that it's a miracle any of this stuff works at all given how complex the hardware is that even those who appear to be spending huge amounts of time dealing directly with it can't properly untangle what causes these faults.

[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 46 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

For those getting excited, It doesn't "boost" gaming performance. It prioritizes the game over the background process (in this case, a kernel being compiled.)

Schedulers aren't magic. As pointed out in the comments of the linked article, there are other ways of doing this. The more interesting tech here is being able to choose between schedulers under specific workloads, which is very nice IMO.

[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 41 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Thank you for actually writing out what happened. I still can't make sense of Mastodon threads. Whoever had the idea to make you click "read more" on each individual post to read it needs to take a basic UX course. Absolutely unusable.


TL;DR: PROTON_LOG=1 drastically improves performance in Warframe.

I've been dealing with persistent stuttering and general slowdown in Warframe, particularly when assets were loading in upon startup and especially during loading screens. Generally, once I would get into actual gameplay things would be smooth (according to both myself and Mangohud,) but going from a hub to an open world area would completely tank performance or even outright halt rendering for 30 to 40 seconds in the worst-case scenario.

I decided to start poking into what was happening and immediately found out that PROTON_LOG=1 completely solves all of these problems. The longest loading time (30 seconds or so) is now 5 seconds. Missions load almost instantaneously.

The generated log is extremely verbose at around 1MB a minute. I don't see anything obviously wrong, but then again the game is working as it should.

Why is this? Wouldn't not generating the log be faster?

[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 32 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Why on Earth would we want to make (Lemmy) more popular? I want more people to leave. Things have noticeably gotten better over the last few weeks, but there’s still a ways to go. The people who are leaving are presumably mostly people who are frustrated by the relative complexity of decentralized forums and people who can’t find enough “content” to scroll through here, and good riddance to the lot of them.

You, two months ago. The quote perfectly encapsulates why niche communities aren't taking off and why the demographic here will always be nerdy and tech-focused.

Every single one of the Reddit communities I followed that tried to move to Lemmy inevitably went back. There's a ton of reasons why, like instances going down, poor moderation, unreliable servers, and general confusion as to how a Lemmy account works to name a few. The apps not being up to par at the time were a huge factor also. It's highly unlikely that Reddit will ever see an organized effort to seek out communities off-site ever again, so the chance to just transplant a community in its entirety over to Lemmy is gone. Now we're pretending it's going to be possible to take a niche site (Lemmy, compared to the wider internet) and somehow develop niche communities from an active pool of users a fraction of a fraction of Reddit's. It's not happening.

It's a tough pill to swallow, but if you have a problem with Reddit you're in the minority. I'm fine with maintaining a Reddit account to communicate with people who are still on Reddit. I go where the users are. I'm not going to sit in an empty community for months talking to myself while conversations are happening elsewhere. It is what it is.

[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 73 points 11 months ago

I remember threads like this from back when Valve was pushing Steam Machines. Won't name names, but there were very successful developers throwing tantrums once the bug reports started to flood in. Many weren't prepared to actually provide support and spent years regretting it (according to postmortems.) I managed to get a refund on one game after the developer's Twitter rant went completely off the rails re: Linux being unfit for desktop. Weird that they were 100% fine with Linux when it meant getting my $15, $20, or $30. Makes you think!

[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 39 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

X11 is, to put it simply, not at all fit for any modern system. Full stop. Everything to make it work on modern systems are just hacks. Don’t even try to get away with “well, it just works for me” or “but Wayland no worky”.

I really don't know if there could be a more obnoxious opening than this. I guess Wayland fanatics have taken a page from the Rust playbook of trying to shame people into using it when technical merits aren't enough ("But your code is UNSAFE!")

[-] 0x0@social.rocketsfall.net 20 points 1 year ago

The front page of lemmy.world has a similar tone. Frankly I have enough problems to deal with in my own life - to willingly browse something designed to piss you off and remind you that people you disagree with exist is just pointlessly distressing. Yet this is what the majority of Lemmy and Mastodon people are choosing to do if the numbers are to be believed.

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